I know this is not the ideal place to post something
as important as this, but anyway, I will do so.
Yesterday I was thinking about life,
and death and all that stuff people start to worry
about when they're about to die.
I'm not dying, actually I believe I'm pretty good,
but, I haven't done something I should have done
thank the people around me.
There are loads of people in my life that somehow
had made me who I am today.
I'm not bragging or anything like that, 'cause
there's still a long way to go (or at least that's
what I hope).
But seriously, after all that thinking, I believe I should
definitely thank you.
Yes, you, the one reading this.Without you my life would be different, you had taught
me things that I don't think anyone else would... or could.
You are special, and I care about you.
I hope that this (me knowing you) is a 2 way street,
I hope that I've had helped you become a
better person than what you already are.
I don't know if we're still friends,
I don't know if we still talk,
I'm not even sure if I know you a lot,
buuuut, I must say, and I dare to do so:
You are loved, just because you are you.
Again, I thank you just for being you, whoever you are.
I hope your days are filled with all the things you
deserve and more.
Inia Pecé.
November 10th 2009